This weeks question
I tend to sit with my feet up on my chair, is this a problem?
My answer

Im certainly not one to preach "perfect posture" as I'm not sure that there is a perfect posture, and likely not one that is the same for everyone, however, if we are having pain we do need to look at certain movements or habits we have and how they can be contributing.
A big one I see is patients who either during work or the school day put one or both feet up on the chair with them. This position definitely compresses the front of the hip and opens the back of the hip and pelvis. So...if these are areas that you have trouble with this may be a position you want to avoid, or at least limit, particularly if you find during sitting or upon standing from this position that your pain/symptoms are worse, or that you feel "stuck".
What are alternatives? Depending on your situation these may be easier or harder to set up, but using a foot stool or even loosely tying your legs together with a theraband may help provide the "input" you are looking for by tucking your legs up so high.
Another reason for doing it may be to provide compression and promote blood flow especially in those with dysautonomia, so wearing compression garments may be a helpful swap that will reduce the stress on the joints.
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